Dear FAB,
Although the deadline for this call for papers is Feb. 1, there is some
flexibility. If you are interested in submitting something but can't make
the deadline, please contact me. You could send a brief abstract or
outline of the paper. If you have a paper in Spanish, let me know and I
will discuss translation possibilities with you. Thanks!
The APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy, in conjunction with the APA
Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy, invites submissions for
a special joint issue, Fall 2004. Papers may be on Hispanic or Iberian
Feminism, Latin American Feminism, Indigenous forms of Feminism, Latino/a
Feminisms, and/or Mujerista theological feminism and its lessons to
philosophical feminisms. Interviews are also welcome.
Please send two copies of your paper to:
Sally Scholz
Associate Professor
Philosophy Department
Villanova University
Villanova, PA 19085
(610) 519-4099
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Electronic submissions will be accepted.
Deadline for submissions is February 1, 2004. Please limit essays to
4000-6000 words and include a word count on the first page.