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Call for papers GASAT 11 Conference
July 6-11, 2003
The Mauritius Institute of Education, Mauritius
Gender And Science And Technology (GASAT) Association
The beginning of the third millennium has already evidenced unprecedented
changes in the domain of science, technology and the new economic order and
the world of work. Different kinds of world socio-economic and political
forces have brought around challenging pressures on the growing issues of
gender within the developed and developing world. New paradigm orders are
rapidly shifting their importance with respect to the overall welfare of
humankind and thus GASAT has become a well-organised association, which aims
to contribute through Science and Technology, to the promotion of greater
equity and distributive justice.
Gender And Science And Technology (GASAT) Association is an international
association of people concerned with issues arising from interactions
between gender and science and technology.
GASAT international conferences are held every two-three years and have been
central in establishing strong and influential networks of individuals and
organisations that are engaged in research and grassroots activities with a
view to promoting gender equity in science and technology. The contributions
and proceedings of GASAT conferences provide an important source of
information on research and interventions in the field of gender, science
and technology. In addition, GASAT provides an international forum for
sharing research findings and strengthening global networks.
GASAT has its origin following the International Conference in the
Netherlands in 1981. The subsequent conferences were held in: 1983 Oslo
(Norway), 1985 London (UK), 1987 Ann Arbor (USA), 1989 Haifa (Israel), 1991
Melbourne (Australia), 1993 Waterloo (Canada), 1996 Ahmedabad (India), 1998
Accra (Ghana), 2001 Copenhagen (Denmark). The theme of the Conference is:
Gender-Science, Technology and Economic Paradigm Shifts (G-STEPS); New
Challenges for Gender -distributive justice and equity.
This GASAT conference will be structured around the following four themes:
New Initiatives in Science, Technology, Mathematics Education at the Formal
This sub theme will focus on innovative approaches in teaching, synoptic
activity as curriculum inquiry and research and the development of effective
mastery learning.
Meeting the Challenges of the New Technologies
This sub theme will lay down the foundations of strategic action plans,
issues and futuristic paradigms that will provide access and opportunities
for a gender sensitive society to foster the concept of empowerment and
better nation building through direct involvement in new technologies.
Women, Science, Technology and the Workforce
Technological determinism has generated new avenues for women to become more
self-reliant and productive in the context of our global network and
economic order which are now immensely influenced by science and technology.
In this sub-theme the contribution of women in the post-modern workforce
will be assessed and discussed.
Gender, The Environment and Sustainable Development
This sub theme focuses on efforts towards the public understanding of
science and technology taking into consideration the environment, indigenous
knowledge to empower youths and adults for socially and ecologically
sustainable citizenship.Participants are encouraged to bring the latest
ideas, research models and studies regarding the influence of gender on
paradigm shifts towards strategic development, economic and technological
Participation in GASAT 11
Participation is open to anyone who subscribes to the objectives of the
GASAT association even if not a member of GASAT. For membership of GASAT,
please contact your GASAT regional representative.
Conference language
The conference language is English. Paper presentation in French is also
Call for papers
You need to send an abstract; the theme should be related to the sub-themes.
The deadline for submission of abstract is: 31 October 2002. You will be
notified by the International Programme Committee of the outcome.
Once the abstract is accepted, the paper should be submitted by 31 January
Types of presentations: Interactive paper presentation (30 minutes for
presentation and discussion) Workshop Sessions (1 hr 30 minutes) Round table
discussion/Symposia (10 minutes for presentation and 50 minutes for
discussion) Poster exhibition (10 minutes for presentation)
Abstract preparation details and on-line registration information can be
found at the conference website:
Conference Secretariat,
Dr. Yashwant Ramma, Mauritius Institute of Education,
Le Reduit, Mauritius
Tel: 230 4661940; Fax: 230 4674378,
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