To the Adminstrators and Scholars of the Catholic University of Brazil:
I wish to add my voice to those who have expressed dismay at the
dismissal of Dr. Debora Diniz for the expression of her views on
abortion. I find it incredible that any reputable institution of higher
education would show such blatant disrespect for the most basic
principles of academic freedom, and I find it especially sad that,
unlike many Catholic universities in North America, your institution
cannot bring itself to tolerate views at odds with Catholic orthodoxy on
important and controversial ethical and political issues. Besides its
inherent injustice, the dismissal of Dr. Diniz cannot fail to have a
chilling effect on academic inquiry within your university, and also
cannot fail to lead scholars and institutions in the wider intellectual
world to reconsider their relationships with your university.
I urge you to reconsider this rash and unwise move at the earliest
Yours sincerely,
Wayne Sumner
Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
Wayne Sumner
University Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 1A1
Voice: 416-978-4128
Fax: 416-978-8703
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