Thanks to so many FAB members for writing to the Chancellor of Debora's
university, and thanks to those who have copied their responses to the FAB list
serve. I believe that letters from many corners of the world will put pressure on the
administration to apologize to Debora, to offer to reinstate her, and to take steps to
avoid treating others so badly; at the least, it will add to their embarassment.
I trust all that posted letters of protest to the FABLIST have sent the originals to the
officials of the Catholic University of Brasilia:
Chancellor: Dr. Guy Capdeville ([log in to unmask]) Graduate Coordinator: Dr. Ivan Rocha
Neto ([log in to unmask]) Head of the Psychology Department: Dr. Tania Maria Rossi
([log in to unmask]).
If you only posted your letter to the listserve, please be sure to send it directly to
these other addresses.
Please also send a copy of your message to ANIS: Institute of Bioethics, Human
Rights and Gender [log in to unmask]
Thanks so much,
Sue Sherwin