Forwarded to me via the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives -- pls fwd
as appropriate to friends or colleagues, esp. near NY and LA regions where
they could support the opening of this film.
October 9, 2002
My Film, "Bowling for Columbine," Opens This Friday
Dear friends, fans, and fellow evildoers:
I am very happy and excited to tell you that this Friday, October 11, my
new film, "Bowling for Columbine," will open in New York and Los
It is, I promise, the last thing the Bushies want projected on the movie
screens across America this week. The film is, first and foremost, a
devastating indictment of the violence that is done in our name for
and power -- and no one, in all the advance screenings I have attended,
left the theatre with anything short of rage. I truly believe this film
the potential to rock the nation and get people energized to do
This is not good news for Junior and Company. Not when they are trying
drag us into another war. Not when a crazed sniper is exercising his
constitutional right to own a high-powered rifle. Not when John Ashcroft
still prohibiting the FBI from looking through the gun background check
files to see if any of the 19 hijackers or their associates purchased
weapons prior to 9/11 -- because THAT, we are told, would "violate"
terrorists' sacred Second Amendment rights!
Yes, I believe this movie can create a lot of havoc -- but I will need
of you to help me do this. Are you game?
Last February 5th, I wrote to tell you about a book I had written and
the publisher had decided to dump it because they were afraid to publish
anything critical of Bush after 9/11. I appealed to you to save "Stupid
White Men" from the shredder and to go out and buy it. I promised you
not regret it, and that the book would not only be a great read but an
important organizing tool in gumming up the plans of George W. Bush.
Within 24 hours, the book went to #1 on the Amazon best seller list. By
fifth day, the book was already into its 9th printing. The publisher was
torn between its desire to kill the book or make a wad of money. Greed
out, and this Sunday the book enters its 31st week on the New York Times
best seller list -- and its 32nd printing. This is all because of you,
crazy and loyal friends. You made this happen, against all the odds.
Now I would like to ask you again to help me with my latest work,
for Columbine." It's a movie that many critics have already called my
film to date. They may be right. It is certainly the most provocative
I have ever done. I have spent three years on it and, I have to say, it
deeper, harder and funnier that anything I have given you so far.
The movie opens this Friday in New York and Los Angeles, and then in 8
cities next week. How it does in these first ten cities will determine
whether or not the rest of the country gets to see it. That is the nutty
our films are released. If it doesn't have a big opening weekend, you
kiss the film good-bye. Therefore, this weekend, this film must be seen
millions of Americans. Can you help me make that happen?
"Bowling for Columbine" is not a film simply about guns or school
That is only the starting point for my 2-hour journey into the dark soul
a country that is both victim and master of an enormous amount of
both at home and around the world. With this movie I have broadened my
canvas to paint a portrait of our nation at the beginning of the 21st
century, a nation that seems hell-bent on killing first and asking
later. It is a movie about the state sponsored acts of violence and
terrorism against our own poor, and how we have created a culture of
that is based on the racial dilemma we continue to ignore. And it's a
devastating comedy.
This film is going to upset some pretty big apple carts. No film has
said the things I am saying in "Bowling for Columbine." I expect to be
attacked. I expect certain theatres will not show it for fear of
retribution. I expect that this movie will be a bitter pill for many to
This is why I need your help. Movies live or die based on what happens
the box office the first weekend of its release. I need you, if you live
the New York or L.A. area, to go see "Bowling for Columbine" this Friday
Saturday -- and take as many family members and friends with you as
possible. I guarantee you will not be disappointed -- and you may just
one of the best films of the year.
Monday night in Times Square, "Bowling for Columbine" had its premiere.
crowd was amazing, as it was this past Saturday night at the Chicago
Festival. The audience kept laughing or hooting or applauding so loud
throughout the film that it was hard to hear the next line.
The hate mail, the threats, the promises of retribution have already
to roll in to the distributor of this movie, United Artists. They are
backing down. But how long will this last? I need all of you in the New
tri-state and southern California areas to go see "Bowling for
THIS weekend -- the rest of you can see it in a couple of weeks when it
comes to your town. A strong opening not only means that the rest of
will see this film, it means that a good number of people who see it are
going to leave the film angry enough to get active and get involved. If
does poorly, I will have a difficult time finding the funding for the
I want to make next -- a film about 9/11 and how Bush is using that
day as a cover for his right-wing agenda.
Don't let that happen. Don't let the NRA have one more success by
the wider distribution of this movie. And, together, let us not remain
silent in our opposition to Bush's phony war against Iraq.
If you live in New York, you can see it at the Lincoln Plaza, the
and the Loews 19th St. In L.A., you can catch it at the Sunset 5, the
Westwood Regent, Laemmle Sunset, Laemmle Towncenter (Encino), Landmark
Rialto (Pasadena), and Regal University (Irvine). Also, please forward
to your other friends and tell them to go see "Bowling for Columbine"
And finally, don't miss our new website
Thank you for your help with this. I feel so honored and privileged to
so many people interested in my work. Last January I was getting 70,000
a month on my website. Last month, I got 17 million hits. This alone
volumes about the vast majority all of us belong to who are sick and
of what is going on and are longing for an alternative source of
I hope that you enjoy "Bowling for Columbine."
Thank you again...
Michael Moore