Dear Sirs,
Bioethicists in the United States are greatly distressed to learn that
Debora Diniz, an anthropologist, winner of the Manuel Velasco-Suarez
International Bioethics Award (PAHO/WHO), and director of the Feminist
Approaches to Bioethics Network, was fired from her position as a Graduate
Professor at the Catholic University of Brasilia.
This firing, we understand, was a direct result of her
participation in
a a public debate last March in Brasilia, on the topic of abortion and
morality. It should not go unnoticed that she was there to debate this
issue at
the express invitation of one of the ministries of the Brazilian government,
and that the invitation was (apparently) extended because, as an
and bioethics researcher, Diniz has developed a sociology of abortion in
Brazil. The debaters were asked to question her with regard to her
and ethical arguments, but instead they grew hostile and no rational
conversation was possible. In the face of the mounting pressure since then, we
are told, last week you violated a crucial standard of academic ethics and
dismissed her from the university.
While we acknowledge that discussions about abortion are difficult and
can quickly become inflammatory, punishing Diniz for presenting the results of
her scholarship by taking away her livlihood and removing her from the setting
in which she pursues her profession is the grossest violation of her academic
freedom. The point of scholarship is to produce knowledge, whether of the
or of ourselves, to ask questions that stimulate further inquiry, and to
others what they know. Scholars can be neither productive, nor curious, nor
good educators if they must continually be careful not to offend those in
You now have an opportunity to make amends for your unconscionable
behavior toward Diniz. Justice requires you to restore her to her former
position, apologize to her, and take steps to insure that nothing like this
ever happens again to the faculty at your university. I urge you to do this
without further delay.
Very sincerely yours,
Hilde L. Nelson
Hilde L. Nelson, Ph.D.
Philosophy Department
503 South Kedzie Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
tel: (517) 353-3981
fax: (517) 432-1320
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