>The Pan American Health and Education Foundation is pleased to
>announce the introduction of a new international award to recognize and
>stimulate excellence in the field of bioethics.
>The 2002 Manuel Velazco-Suarez Bioethics Award is intended to stimulate
>young scholars in the development of their capacities for bioethical
>analysis. The award carries a cash prize of US$10,000 .
>More Award information at:
>Spanish version:
>Nominations must be received by 15 June 2002 at the Foundation's US office:
>The Manuel Velasco-Suarez Bioethics Award Committee
>c/o Pan American Health and Education Foundation
>525 23rd Street NW - Washington, DC 20037 E-mail:
><mailto:[log in to unmask] >[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask] >
>This message from the Division of Health and Human Development, PAHO/WHO,
>is part of an effort to disseminate information related to Equity, Health
>inequality; socioeconomic inequality in health; socioeconomic health
>differentials. Gender, Violence, Poverty, Health Economics, Health
>Legislation, Ethnicity, Ethics, Information Technology and Virtual
>Libraries, Research & Science issues.
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