We always enjoy lots of FAB participation at this event:
This is your invitation to attend The Canadian Bioethics Society
Conference in Victoria, B.C. from October 17-20. This year's theme is
"Ethical Challenges Across the Lifespan". More information can be
found on our Conference WEB site [www.uvic.ca/cbs]. Abstracts are
due April 30, 2002. We welcome our American colleagues to this
exciting event. -- Jan Storch & Veronica Morris, Co-Chairs.
Carolyn Ells, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Coordinator, Hospital Collaboration
Department of Bioethics
Dalhousie University
5849 University Avenue
Halifax NS
B3H 4H7 Canada
Tel: 902-494-3801
Fax: 902-494-3865
Website: www.bioethics.dal.ca