The members of the Nominating Committee for this year are:
Laura Shanner
Susana Sommer
Anne Donchin=20
Below I have copied the policies for the Nominating Committee
XII. FAB Nominating Committee
The current Co-Coordinators appoint a three-member Nominating Committee,
chosen from nominations and self-nominations after an appeal on the
Listserv. The Co-coordinators attempt to have some diversity among
this committee's members, who must have belonged to FAB for at least a
year and be able to consult with each other by e-mail in time to
prepare a slate by the Biennial International FAB Conference. The
Nominating Committee selects its own Chair.
A. Preparation of Ballot for Election of Co-Coordinators and
Advisory Board Members
The Chair of the Nominating Committee makes an appeal for
nominations via the Listserv and when feasible the Newsletter. Nominations
are sought for new or
continuing Co-coordinators and to serve two-year terms and for new or
continuing Advisory Board members to serve four-year terms if they are
new or the remainder of their terms if they are continuing. Each
nominee must be willing to serve and have a nominator and a second.
Current Co-coordinators are encouraged to re-nominate active Advisory
Board members and/or to nominate new Advisory Board members; inactive
Advisory Board members should not be re-nominated.
Advisory Board members must have belonged to FAB for at least a year;
candidates for Co-coordinator must have belonged to FAB for at least
two years and have actively demonstrated their involvement in FAB.
Diversity and international representation are sought, but Advisory
Board members must have easy and frequent access to e-mail. After the
Nominating Committee selects a slate, each nominee is asked to provide
a brief (75 words or less) biographical sketch, including degrees,
field of work, positions held, and activities relevant to FAB's
The Nominating Committee then prepares a ballot and an accompanying
document with biographical sketches. Space is provided for write-in
B. Procedures for Election of Co-Coordinators and Advisory Board
The Nominating Committee
prepares the slate of candidates prior to the Biennial International
Conference. It is communicated to FAB's members at the Conference,
on the Listserv, and through the postal service when appropriate.
After the Biennial International FAB Conference, the Membership Secretary
posts or e-mails
the ballots to FAB's members who return them to the Chair of the
Nominating Committee by the deadline she/he sets. To avoid competition
and to welcome and encourage volunteers, our elections take the form of
ratifications rather than contests. This procedure is intended to
preserve historical memory and provide continuity.
After the deadline for returning the ballots, the Chair of the Nominating
Committee counts the
ballots and sends personal messages to each candidate. Election
results are then announced on the Listserv and sent to the Newsletter.
Rosemarie Tong, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor in Health Care Ethics
Center for Professional and Applied Ethics
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 USA
Office: 704-687-2850
Center: 704-687-3542
FAX: 704-547-2172
Home: 704-896-8530
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