| This message is from APPE_News, a distribution list |
| managed by the Association for Practical and Professional |
| Ethics. For more information about the Association, see |
| the end of this message. |
The University of Portland invites nominations and applications for the
McNerny-Hansen Endowed Chair in Ethics. The successful candidate will be
tenured as a full professor in the appropriate department. Candidates must
have a Ph.D.; a record of exemplary undergraduate teaching; distinguished
scholarship in ethics; a record of university, professional, and community
service and should embrace the mission of this Catholic university. The
McNerny-Hansen Chair will be responsible for enhancing the central role that
ethical inquiry plays throughout the university curriculum, including the
core courses in ethics as well as the application of ethics to specific
professions. The Chair's primary task will be to guide development of the
academic component of character formation. The Chair is expected to be a
faculty leader, and a professional resource on ethical issues in the Pacific
Northwest community. The purpose of Endowed Chairs at the University of
Portland is to advance the entire University so that it can better serve its
students. We look for people with interdisciplinary interests and
Send applications and nominations to Marlene Moore, Dean, College of Arts
and Sciences, University of Portland, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR
97203, [log in to unmask] Applications must include evidence of teaching
excellence in addition to a letter of interest, CV, and three letters of
recommendation. Screening of applicants will begin at once and continue
until the position is filled. The University of Portland is an Equal
Opportunity Employer and strongly encourages the application of women and
minority candidates.
| If you are interested in joining the Association, |
| please visit our web site at |
| http://php.ucs.indiana.edu/~appe/home.html or contact |
| us at [log in to unmask] with your mailing address to |
| receive an introductory letter and information packet. |
| |
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