Dear Claudia: I'm teaching bioethics in Argentina in FLACSO and I have a
training program in research ethics. I can send you that material. However
the program this year is not focussed in the feminist perspective (I did it
last year). I'll ask my assistant to send you some of the programs and what
we do, even though it may be more general than what you are searching and
FLACSO is an University of Social Sciences that does graduate programs (not
an NGO). It is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Florencia Luna
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Claudia Ordonez <[log in to unmask]>
Para: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Fecha: Viernes, 01 de Febrero de 2002 10:32 p.m.
Asunto: Inquiry about bioethics training in Latin America
>Hello all,
>Greetings from Boston. My name is Claudia Ordonez.
>Currently I am looking for training opportunities in bio-ethics (preferably
>from a feminist perspective) for an NGO based in Latin America.
>Do you of anyone that offers this kind of training in Latin America?
>Thank you for your help in this matter.
>Claudia Ordonez