Canada Research Chair in Aboriginal Health
The Departments of Women's and Gender Studies and Native Studies invite
applications from outstanding individuals to be nominated for a Tier
Two Canada Research
Chair in Aboriginal Health. The successful candidate will have extensive
experience in
community-based research in Aboriginal Women's Health and will hold a
position affiliated with the
Departments of Women's and Gender Studies and Native Studies. Both
departments have identified
health as a key area of research and teaching. At the University
level, units such as the
Saskatchewan Population Research and Evaluation Unit (SPHERU), Native
Studies, Geography,
History, Sociology and the recently approved Indigenous Peoples' Health
Research Centre would
be useful in developing collaborative research projects. Partnerships
with local and provincial
health and Aboriginal organizations including the Federation of
Saskatchewan Indian Nations
(FSIN) and the Health Services Utilization and Research Commission
(HSURC) will also enhance
the research program of the Chair.
The successful applicant will be expected to maintain substantial
research funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research or
other related granting
The University of Saskatchewan is strongly committed to diversity within
its community. The University especially welcomes applications from
Aboriginal persons,
members from visible minorities, women, and persons with disabilities,
and encourages members
of designated groups to self-identify on their applications.
Appointment is conditional upon the award of a Canada Research Chair.
For more information on the Canada Research Chairs program, consult An application,including curriculum vitae, names and
addresses of three referees and a brief summary of a proposed research
program should be sent by March 1, 2002 to:
Lesley Biggs,
Head. Department of Women's and Gender Studies,
University of Saskatchewan, 9 Campus Dr.
Saskatoon, Sk. S7N 5A5.
Phone: 306-966-6931. Fax: 306-966-4559.
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