Ms. Ordonez:
This is probably may not exactly what you're looking for, but Michigan State
University runs a program every summer in Costa Rica called "Ethics and
History of Development and Health care in Costa Rica". Below, I have
copied the description of the program and the URL of the program site. It
should be noted that this program is designed for MSU students who wish to
do study abroad program related bioethics. I'm not sure what provisions
would have to be made in order for people resident in Latin America to
enroll if it were, in fact, the sort of thing your NGO might be looking for.
Best of luck, regardless.
--Alison Crane
Graduate Student, Michigan State University
This program examines the health care system in Costa Rica - how it arose
historically, how it functions, and how we can address ethical and policy
issues that arise in the provision of health care - keeping in mind the
broader context of the challenges posed to a developing nation, including
issues concerning the environment. Students will visit a variety of health
care settings, including clinics in rural and poor areas and various
regional and national hospitals; students will also travel to national parks
and eco-tourism sites.
At a time when all countries, including the United States, struggle to
deliver equitable and affordable health care services that meet public needs
and expectations, it is useful to see how other countries provide health
care. This program examines the health care system in Costa Rica, a
developing nation that has in many ways been successful in providing health
care and other services. We will look historically and culturally at how its
health care system came to be, and how it operates in within the present
political and social milieu. We will also examine from an ethical point of
view the dilemmas that arise in providing health care effectively,
efficiently and fairly, with limited resources. And we will compare how
analogous issues arise and are dealt with in the U.S. Students will be able
to study and see first-hand how health care is being provided in a number of
settings. We will also hear from a variety of local speakers who are health
care professionals and people concerned with health care policy.
For more information contact: Fred Gifford
Department of Philosophy
536 S. Kedzie Hall
Phone: (517) 353-1993
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Claudia Ordonez" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 3:54 PM
Subject: Inquiry about bioethics training in Latin America
> Hello all,
> Greetings from Boston. My name is Claudia Ordonez.
> Currently I am looking for training opportunities in bio-ethics
> from a feminist perspective) for an NGO based in Latin America.
> Do you of anyone that offers this kind of training in Latin America?
> Thank you for your help in this matter.
> Thanks,
> Claudia Ordonez