Public Health Ethics: Towards a Research Agenda
An International Symposium and Workshop
May 17 & 18, 2002
Victoria College
University of Toronto, Canada
Keynote Speaker:
Lawrence Gostin
Professor of Law, Georgetown University
Professor of Public Health, the Johns Hopkins University
Director, Center for Law & the Public's Health
CDC Collaborating Center Promoting Health Through Law
Other Speakers Include:
Prof. Ruth Chadwick
Director, Institute for Environment, Philosophy and Public Policy
Lancaster University UK
Bruce Jennings
Senior Research Scholar,
The Hastings Center
Yale University School of Medicine
Prof. Bonnie Steinbock
Chair, Department of Philosophy
University at Albany, SUNY
Prof. Solomon Benatar
Head, Centre for Bioethics &
Department of Medicine
University of Cape Town
Prof. Abdallah Daar
Director , Program in Applied Ethics & Biotechnology
Joint Centre for Bioethics
University of Toronto
This interdisciplinary symposium and workshop is the first of its kind
to bring together those involved in public health, bioethics, law and
policy-making. With plenary sessions by key figures followed by
participatory workshops, the symposium aims to (1) explore major issues
in public health ethics; and (2) identify a research agenda for this
emerging field. This meeting represents a unique opportunity to forge
an international dialogue about public health ethics that will continue
well into the new millennium.
The symposium is funded by the University of Toronto Department of
Public Health Sciences, the Joint Centre for Bioethics, the Connaught
Fund for International Symposia, and the Canadian Institutes for Health
Research. Enrolment is limited; kindly register early to avoid
disappointment. Graduate Students attend free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Alison Thompson
Phone: (416) 813-1500 ext. 4418
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