> ----------------------
> The Royal Alexandra Hospital
> Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
> Invites applications for a full time, one year
> Residency in Clinical Ethics
> This residency is aimed at individuals with extensive theoretical
> in health ethics who wish to expand their clinical experience and prepare
> for the professional role of Clinical Ethicist.
> The Position
> Our bioethics residency offers a range of clinical-educational
> while the Resident provides services to the Hospital. The RAH emphasizes a
> multi-disciplinary approach to ethical problem-solving, and provides
> to the culturally diverse populations of Edmonton, Northern Alberta, the
> Northwest Territories, and neighboring provinces. The term is from
> 1st 2001 through August 31st, 2002.
> It is a full-time position that would make it inappropriate to combine
> thesis writing or other significant work commitments; the candidate would
> ideally have taken a leave of absence, a sabbatical, or be between
> degrees/positions. The residency is based at the Royal Alexandra Hospital,
> with an adjunct position to the John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (JDHEC)
> at the University of Alberta.
> Duties
> Duties include: clinical rounds in several departments including internal
> medicine, ICU/CCU, neo-natology, women's health, emergency, and surgery.
> resident will be involved with bedside ethics consultations, ethics
> committee meetings, teaching on a wide range of ethical issues for
> staff, possible guest lectures at University of Alberta courses,
> participation at Health Ethics Seminars at JDHEC, participation in review
> development of policies where appropriate, etc.
> Resources
> Resources include continuing education and debriefing in conjunction with
> Pastoral Care and
> Counseling residents, collegial and research connections through JDHEC,
> a multi-disciplinary team of mentors at RAH. The resident meets with
> clinical supervisors (which include a bioethicist, an ICU physician, and a
> supportive care manager), at least once weekly to develop and discuss
> appropriate learning goals and strategies.
> The Hospital
> The "Royal Alex" is an active treatment centre of 558 beds and 109
> bassinets. There are more than 47000 admissions per year and our emergency
> department is one of the busiest in the country. We are located in the
> Centre of the city and provide care to people from a broad range of
> socioeconomic conditions and a rich variety of ethnic and spiritual
> backgrounds.
> The City of Edmonton
> Edmonton is the capital of Alberta and home to the Capital Health
> Authority, which serves over 1.2 million people. The city is culturally
> rich and diverse, and home to a number of world-class summer festivals.
> Housing prices are very reasonable. Banff, Jasper, and the Rocky Mountains
> are just a few hours away and offer unrivalled outdoor experiences.
> Applicants must have significant formal training in bioethics beyond
> an undergraduate or introductory level.
> Graduate or professional degree holders in many disciplines who have
> focused course and/or thesis work on bioethical issues are ideal.
> professionals with a solid background in bioethics, as well as recent
> recipients, are encouraged to apply. Consideration will be given to
> extensive research background in bioethics in lieu of a formal degree.
> The position requires personal maturity, flexibility, and well-developed
> social skills. Additional training or experience in counseling or related
> skill sets is appreciated, but not necessary.
> Canada's Immigration laws require giving preference to Canadian citizens
> residents, but international applications are also welcomed.
> Please include the following in your application:
> 1. Your Curriculum Vitae.
> 2. Transcript(s) of relevant courses in health ethics,
> counseling, etc.
> 3. A 2-page letter outlining your preparation for this
> residency (what can you contribute to the facility and your colleagues?)
> your goals (why do you want to undertake the residency?). Be sure to
> your current work/study situation to ensure availability. A brief mention
> any areas of specific interest in health ethics would be helpful.
> 4. 2 letters of reference giving special attention to your
> character and collegial traits that would be suitable for a clinical
> position.
> Please send the above materials by April 30th, 2001 to
> Rev. Dr. Neil Elford
> Manager, Supportive Care
> Royal Alexandra Hospital
> 10240 Kingsway
> Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
> T5H 3V9
> For further information, please contact either Dr. Neil Elford at
> [log in to unmask] , or the current resident, Gary Goldsand at
> [log in to unmask]