NARRATIVES of Disease, Disability, and Trauma:
An Interdisciplinary Conference
9 - 11 May 2002
The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
In September 1999, an interdisciplinary team of researchers (from Nursing,
Geography, English, Anthropology, Women's Studies, French, Medicine, and
Education) at the University of British Columbia embarked on a three-year
project on narratives of disease, disability, and trauma, funded by the
Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies.
We now welcome submissions for an international conference that will
explore these narratives (which may be written, oral, performative, or
visual) within and across disciplines. We are particularly interested in
academic- and community-based research projects that are theoretically
informed and contribute to interdisciplinary dialogue.
This conference will explore, but is not limited to, the following issues
in narratives of disease, disability, and trauma:
· their therapeutic, aesthetic, and didactic value
· embodiment
· gender, age, race, ethnicity, class, etc. in these narratives
· institutional relations and/or power structures (e.g.,
researcher-researched, patient-caregiver, state-citizen)
· ethical questions and dilemmas
· the roles of policy development and the education of health-care
· historical, sociological, philosophical, literary, and other approaches
to these narratives
The research team expects to edit a volume of essays based on this
Accessibility services such as captioning, hearing assistance, etc. will be
available at the conference if required.
Please e-mail your proposal (300-400 words), outlining the scope and goals
of your 20-minute presentation, and a short biographical note to Gabriele
Helms or Marsha Henry: [log in to unmask]
Deadline for proposals: June 15, 2001
For information about the conference and the research project,
please visit our website (,
write to us ([log in to unmask]),
or call/fax us at (604) 822-4033.
Hilde L. Nelson, Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy
503 South Kedzie Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 353-3981
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