Dear Naoko
it was suggested to me that the following book may be helpful:
Trauma &Recovery by Judith L Herman M. D., April 1992, Basic Books
Zelina Ben-Gershon
Zelina Ben-Gershon, Ph.D.
Senior Scientific Director
Chief Scientist's Office
Ministry of Health
Tel : 972 -2-5681208/9
Fax : 972-2-6725833
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Naoko T. MIYAJI [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: ?, ?????? 26, 2001 10:46 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Asking help on a rape case
> Dear all,
> I am involved in a case as follows (sorry, I cannot write details here in
> ML
> ). We desparately need help, information and advices. If anyone knows
> good
> legal cases, specialists, and other good strategies, please let me know.
> A woman was kept by a "lover" and physically, sexually abused. She was
> beate
> n and threatened to death with a knife. The lover forced her to do some
> sex
> ual acts as if she wanted to do it, and took a video.
> Finally he was arrested but the prosecuters office will not proceed
> further,
> because adding to the lack of physical evidence, they saw the video and do
> n
> ot think the woman was forced to do it.
> It was her desparate preformance in order not to be killed, but was it too
> s
> uccessful?
> We will file a complaint to the prosecuter, but Japanese rape law is
> backward.