From: Jing-Bao Nie <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Please Help a Bioethics Library in Changsha, China
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
In Mainland China, bioethics and medical humanities are rapidly developing.
The need to know more on the most recent developments in bioethics and
medical humanities outside China is substantial and growing. But for many
reasons there are very few foreign publications in these fields available
in China. We therefore would like to assemble a library specializing in
bioethics and medical humanities literature in English and other languages
such as German, Russian, Japanese, French and Spanish. This library would
contribute significantly to work not only in bioethics but also in ethics
and philosophy in general, the history of medicine, health law, literature
and medicine, religion and medicine, and medical anthropology/sociology in
I am writing to ask for your help. We welcome and will greatly appreciate
donations of following items:
1) your own books, articles and other publications in the fields,
2) your surplus books, textbooks, journal issues, and related
We would also be grateful for other forms of support, and suggestions of
possible foundations to approach to help us build up our library. We
suggest you to sign or stamp your donations, especially if they are your
own publications.
The library is physically located at the Institute of Ethics at Hunan
Normal University in Changsha, one of a few best-known institutions of the
kind in Mainland China. A special room is already assigned to its
collections. The materials will be available not only to teachers and
students at the Institute and the University but also to anybody throughout
China who wants to use it, free of charges. In the due course, the library
catalogue will appear in the ChinaEthcs website
( The management of the library will be
associated with the on-line Chinese journal Bioethics and Medical
Humanities Translations, which will be launched soon. Our long-range aim
is to build up a finest library specializing in foreign, especially
Western, bioethics and medical humanities literature in Mainland China. In
future, we will explore the possibility of setting up branches in other
areas in China.
If you have some materials ready to donate, please mail them to Prof Li Lun
and Prof Kailin Tang at
Institute of Ethics
Hunan Normal University
Lu Shan Road
Changsha, Hunan 410081
P. R. China
If you have any questions regarding our library, please contact me at
[log in to unmask] or Prof Lun Li at [log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask] Please let us know when you mail your donations. You will
be informed as soon as we receive your materials.
Thank you for your attention to this call and for whatever donations you
might send us. Regardless of whether you can send items yourself, I would
appreciate your publicizing this call for donations as widely as possible.
Jing-Bao Nie, MD(tcm), MA, MA, PhD
Lecturer, Bioethics Centre
University of Otago, PO Box 913
Dunedin, New Zealand
Hilde L. Nelson, Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy
503 South Kedzie Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 353-3981
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