Alexandra, eu compreendo o espanhol, e escrevo em português.
Jorge Marques da Silva
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
----- Mensagem original -----
De: alejandra [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Enviada em: Sexta-feira, 9 de Fevereiro de 2001 12:49
Para: [log in to unmask]
Assunto: Re: Fwd: Mary Daly and BC settle
Por favor, me gustaría saber si alguien de la :LIST entiende y escribe
español para tener una participación y contribución más estrecha de mi
parte. Me interesa muchísimo toda la discusión sobre Cloning Legislation,
además de todos los temas relacionados a FEMININS and Philosophy. Gracias a
todas, Alejandra Rotania, Ser Mujer, Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil,
representante de la FAB
----- Original Message -----
From: Joan C. Callahan <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 3:25 PM
Subject: Fwd: Mary Daly and BC settle
> ***Please excuse cross-postings.***
> For Immediate Release Contact: Gretchen Van Ness, Esq.
> February 6, 2001
> Phone: (617) 723-5060
> Mary Daly and Boston College Settle Lawsuit in the 11th Hour
> Boston, MA * In a surprising development last Friday [2/2/01], Professor
> Mary Daly and Boston College settled Daly's lawsuit charging the college
> with breach of contract and violation of Daly's tenure rights following
> removal from the faculty in 1999. This hard-fought case was set to go to
> trial on Wednesday.
> Mary Daly, a radical feminist and author of seven books on feminist
> philosophy, was ousted from her tenured post at Boston College without due
> process in February 1999. Daly had been teaching feminist ethics to men
> women in separate sections for over twenty years when the Center for
> Individual Rights (CIR), a conservative Washington-based law firm,
> threatened to sue Boston College for "sex discrimination" in October 1998.
> Instead of supporting a long-standing faculty member, Boston College
> capitulated to the CIR and denied Daly her right to due process by falsely
> claiming she had agreed to retire. Daly responded by filing a lawsuit
> against Boston College.
> The case was on the verge of going to trial, with jury selection scheduled
> to begin on February 7, when Daly announced that the case had settled out
> of court. There is much speculation about Boston College's motives, but
> Daly's attorney, Gretchen Van Ness stated, "We are confident that, after
> hearing all of the testimony, the jury would have ruled in our favor and
> found that Professor Daly's tenure rights and academic freedom had been
> trampled." Van Ness went on to say that the settlement is a victory for
> Daly and that she and Daly are pleased with the outcome. The terms of the
> settlement are confidential. Daly is now working on her next book, Amazon
> Grace, which will include an examination of these events. Daly will
> continue her speaking tour, titled "Rekindling the Fires of Feminist
> The Mary Daly Defense Fund is an all-volunteer organization formed to
> support Mary Daly in her lawsuit against Boston College by raising funds
> provide her with the best possible legal representation.