***Please excuse cross-postings.***
For Immediate Release Contact: Gretchen Van Ness, Esq.
February 6, 2001
Phone: (617) 723-5060
Mary Daly and Boston College Settle Lawsuit in the 11th Hour
Boston, MA * In a surprising development last Friday [2/2/01], Professor
Mary Daly and Boston College settled Daly's lawsuit charging the college
with breach of contract and violation of Daly's tenure rights following her
removal from the faculty in 1999. This hard-fought case was set to go to
trial on Wednesday.
Mary Daly, a radical feminist and author of seven books on feminist
philosophy, was ousted from her tenured post at Boston College without due
process in February 1999. Daly had been teaching feminist ethics to men and
women in separate sections for over twenty years when the Center for
Individual Rights (CIR), a conservative Washington-based law firm,
threatened to sue Boston College for "sex discrimination" in October 1998.
Instead of supporting a long-standing faculty member, Boston College
capitulated to the CIR and denied Daly her right to due process by falsely
claiming she had agreed to retire. Daly responded by filing a lawsuit
against Boston College.
The case was on the verge of going to trial, with jury selection scheduled
to begin on February 7, when Daly announced that the case had settled out
of court. There is much speculation about Boston College's motives, but
Daly's attorney, Gretchen Van Ness stated, "We are confident that, after
hearing all of the testimony, the jury would have ruled in our favor and
found that Professor Daly's tenure rights and academic freedom had been
trampled." Van Ness went on to say that the settlement is a victory for
Daly and that she and Daly are pleased with the outcome. The terms of the
settlement are confidential. Daly is now working on her next book, Amazon
Grace, which will include an examination of these events. Daly will
continue her speaking tour, titled "Rekindling the Fires of Feminist Fury."
The Mary Daly Defense Fund is an all-volunteer organization formed to
support Mary Daly in her lawsuit against Boston College by raising funds to
provide her with the best possible legal representation.