>Dear list,
>After I mailed out FAB membership renewal forms, some have been returned.
>Can anyone help me find the following former FAB members?
> Catherine Myser (formerly in Burlington Vermont)
> e-mail address, please
> Mary Faith Marshall
> postal address, please, or at least her institution name
>Cat Meyser is taking a job at Tuskegee University.
Her address is 4614 Edgewood Ave
Oaklalnd CA 94602
email: [log in to unmask]
phone 510 531 9359
hope you are doing well
Annette Dula
Annette Dula [log in to unmask]
2436 Delmar Drive East
Seattle, WA 98102
phone 206 329 3138
fax 206 329 3138 (same as phone)
303-440-7056 (during holidays and summer)