Happy New Year to all on these feminist listservs!
I am close to finishing the Spring 2001 NEWSLETTER ON FEMINISM AND
PHILOSOPHY for the American Philosophical Association.
If you have an announcement or letters to the editor that you want to see
in this issue, PLEASE get it to me over email ASAP. Please send any such
correspondence to me at: <[log in to unmask]>.
Also, please let me know if you are interested in writing any sort of
conference report for the Fall 2001 issue of the NEWSLETTER. If you are
interested, please email me with the information on the conference /
session / meeting you would like to report on.
Finally, we are still considering papers for the Fall 2001 issue of the
NEWSLETTER. Manuscripts on any relevant topic, limited to 10 double-spaced
typewritten pages may be submitted.
Again, Happy New year to all --
Joan C. Callahan
American Philosophical Association
Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy
Director, Women's Studies Program
114 Breckinridge Hall
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0056
859-257-1388 (Women's Studies)
FAX: 859-257-7353 (Women's Studies)
Professor, Department of Philosophy
1415 Patterson Tower
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0027
FAX: 859-257-3286 (Philosophy)
"May we always resist what we know in our hearts to be wrong.
May we do right and keep our word." Nikky Finney, RICE