The University of Memphis
February 23-24, 2001
Due date: JANUARY 10
The 25th annual Midsouth Philosophy Conference is scheduled for Friday
afternoon and Saturday, February 23-24, at The University of Memphis.
Papers in any area are welcome. There will be a $20 registration fee,
payable at the conference.
Papers must not exceed a length of 3000 words. Include the following nine
(1) a word count
(2) the author's name
(3) academic status (professor, unaffiliated, graduate student)
(4) institutional affiliation (if any)
(5) mailing address
(6) email address
(7) telephone number
(8) the paper's title
(9) an abstract -- 100 words maximum!
No more than one submission by the same author will be considered.
Email a copy of the paper as an attachment in Microsoft Word for PC or
Macintosh to Dr. Joanna Crosby <[log in to unmask]>. Also, paste a
copy in the body of the email (in case the attachment is unreadable).
Papers must be received by JANUARY 10. Papers will be reviewed by a
committee. Notification of acceptance will be made via email in late
January. Submissions whose authors cannot be contacted through email will
be rejected.
Each paper will have a commentator. Those interested in commenting should
notify Dr. Crosby <[log in to unmask]> by January 24 of availability
and areas of interest. Persons whose papers are accepted will be expected
to serve as commentators if asked.
Dr. PAULINE KLEINGELD from Washington University in Saint Louis will be the
keynote speaker. Funding for the keynote speaker is provided by the
University of Memphis' Center for the Humanities, directed by Dr. Jennifer
will have parallel sessions. Please encourage students to
attend and submit papers. Papers in any area are welcome.
Submissions must not exceed a length of 3000 words, and must
include a cover letter stating the author's name, university
or college, mailing address, telephone number and/or email
address. Send two printed copies to: Undergraduate Philosophy
Conference, Department of Philosophy, 327 Clement Hall, The
University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152. Papers must be post-
marked by January 27.
Dr. Thomas Nenon has reserved rooms for Thursday (2/22) through Saturday
(2/24) nights at the Sleep Inn (901-522-9700) at 40 North Front Street and
at the Comfort Inn (901-526-0583) at 100 North Front Street. The room rate
at either hotel is $65 per night plus tax for single or double occupancy
($70 for triples and $75 for quads). Make reservations directly, and before
February 9. The airport shuttle goes to the hotels for $10, taxis for about
The Midsouth Philosophy Conference is underwritten by the Department of
Philosophy and Center for the Humanities of The University of Memphis.
Secretarial help is provided by Lewis & Clark College.
Hilde L. Nelson, Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy
503 South Kedzie Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 353-3981
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