The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, one of the National
Institutes of Health, is offering a limited number of internships in
environmental policy and ethics.
Interns participating in the Program in Environmental Health Policy and
Ethics (PEHPE) examine policy issues and conduct research under the guidance
of a faculty mentor. Potential projects examine: issues in environmental
regulation and policy, impact of new technologies on risk assessment and
risk management, toxicogenomics, environmental justice, and protection of
human subjects in research. Applicants with existing research projects and
applicants interested in developing a project to satisfy the requirements of
an academic degree are strongly encouraged to contact the Program Director
prior to applying.
The program will begin with a one-week workshop on environmental regulation,
health policy, and ethics. Following the workshop, interns will define a
research project in association with the Program Director and a faculty
mentor. Interns will participate in weekly seminars on issues in
environmental policy and ethics, case discussions, and policy debates.
Interns will present results of their research and analysis at a policy
symposium in August.
Internships are limited to five months. Stipends are based on academic and
professional experience, in accordance with the current U.S. government
Applicants should be pursing an undergraduate or advanced degree in
environmental health science, policy, law, ethics, philosophy, or a related
field. In exceptional circumstances, consideration will be given to more
established researchers and teachers. Interns will be selected on the basis
of their previous accomplishments, commitment to scholarship, and
professional interests. Internships should play an integral role in
advancing the applicant's professional development. No prior experience in
environmental health policy or ethics in necessary.
To apply
Interested applicants should submit an application including a resume or
curriculum vitae, a brief statement of interests and goals for the
internship (750 words or less), two letters of reference, a writing sample,
and academic transcripts.
Application deadline
Internships begin in late Spring, typically soon after the end of the
academic year, and end on or before September 30. Application materials must
be received by March 1. Notification of acceptance will be April 15.
Direct inquiries and applications to
Richard R. Sharp, Ph.D.
Director, PEHPE
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
P.O. Box 12333
79 Alexander Drive, Building 4401, Room 108 (courier)
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2233
919-541-4397 fax
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