Dr. Gregor Wolbring, University of Calgary, has an interesting webpage with
a great variety of materials on Euthanasia, Biotechnology, Disability and
webpage: http://www.thalidomide.ca/gwolbring
Founder and Coordinator of the International Network on Bioethics and
Disability; a Network supported by the International Association of
To subscribe to the Network go to
or send a blank e-mail to [log in to unmask]
Dr. Gregor Wolbring
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Medicine
and Adjunct Assistant Professor
at the Dept. of Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
Faculty of Education
both University of Calgary
Phone 1-403-220-5448
Fax 1-403-283-4740
eFax 1-603-761-3704
e-mail [log in to unmask]
Mailing address:
Dr. Gregor Wolbring
Dept. of Med. Biochem.
University of Calgary
3330 Hospital Drive NW
T2N 4N1
Calgary Alberta Canada
Hilde L. Nelson, Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy
503 South Kedzie Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 353-3981
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