Call for Papers and First Announcement:
The Australian Institute of Health, Law and Ethics (AIHLE)
5th Annual Conference
June 28 July 1 2001
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Conference website for more details:
The 5th Annual Conference of the Australian Institute of Health, Law and
Ethics will be broadly based around the theme of Science, Technology and
Abstracts for papers and expressions of interest for are now being accepted.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words to the AIHLE secretariat
by Friday March 16, 2001. Papers relevant to the conference theme will be
given priority.
Electronic submission of abstracts is preferred. Please send a pc-compatible
version of your abstract to: [log in to unmask]
If posting abstracts, please also include a disk with a pc-compatible
version of your abstract. Address abstracts to:
AIHLE Secretariat
C/- The Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
10th Floor, Royal Childrens Hospital
Flemington Road
Parkville VIC 3052