>Some listmembers might be interested in the UK government's
>legislation which the House of Lords approved yesterday (Monday)
>after lengthy debate to extend the 1990 Human Fertilisation and
>Embryology Act and allow testing of stem cells derived from the
>cloning of embryos for medical research.
>Reports are in all today's London newspapers, including the
>Guardian. Full details, including an archive of related articles and
>features can be found at <www.guardianunlimited.co.uk/genes>
>Other links listed in the newspaper are:
>> Full text of HFE Act.
><www.doh.gov.uk/cegc/stemcellreport.htm> Department of Health report
>on stem cell cloning.
><www.doh.gov.uk/cegc> DoH advisory group on stem cell research
><www.tasc.ac.uk/cc/briefing/0012/0001204.htm> Catholic bishop's
>views on cloning
><www.cofe.anglican.uk/view/embryo.html> Church of England statement
>on cloning.
>Hope this is useful
>Anthony Shedden
>Newcastle upon Tyne
I wrote a little piece on this and its relationship to the US
politics on stem cells and abortion for MSNBC bioethics:
http://www.msnbc.com/news/520126.asp (just fyi since you didn't
include any US links; sorry for the self-promotion which really is
not intended at all; we are compiling a list of US coverage of this
story at http://ajobonline.com as well).
Glenn McGee PhD
Center for Bioethics
University of Pennsylvania
3401 Market St. Suite 320
Phila PA 19104-3308