The International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics is seeking
papers for an edited volume based on presentations of the Fourth FAB
Congress. Editors are Margrit Shildrick, Roxanne Mykitiuk, and Debora
Diniz. Contributions are invited from all disciplinary backgrounds
including health sciences, social sciences, and theology as well as
philosophy. Papers may include empirical or theoretical issues relating to
feminist perspectives on bioethics.
Submissions must be received by NOVEMBER 15, 2000.
5 copies of the paper should be submitted to:
Roxanne Mykitiuk
Osgoode Hall Law School
4700 Keele St.
York University
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
Send five copies identified as a submission for the *Feminist Perspectives
on Bioethics* volume. These won't be returned.
Include a disk with a file containing the paper you submit (preferably in
Word format). Papers should be approximately 5000 words in length.
Include five copies of an abstract not exceeding 75 words in length.
Ensure thatt the manuscript is anonymous by putting your name, contact
details, including email address, and self-identifying references on a
separate sheet.
Manuscripts are accepted for consideration on the understanding that they
won't be submitted to any other publication while under review, with the
exception of the special issue of *Bioethics*.
Hilde L. Nelson, Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy
503 South Kedzie Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 353-3981
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