I am looking forward to reading the Reports on the London Conference. I
was hoping to come but had teaching commitments this week - a new course in
Mental Health and Disability law.
I sent a message previously about a conference Melinda Jones and I are
organising in Canberra on 4th and 5th December this year which may be of
interest to some members of the list.
The preliminary program and the conference brochure are now available at
the following web site:
In addition we are delighted to be able to advise you that Justice Michael
Kirby, of the High Court of Australia who is a well known human rights
lawyer and activist has agreed to speak at the conference dinner on the
implications of the human genome project for people with disabities. His
Honour is member of the Ethics Committee of the Human Genome Organisation
and of the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO.
Lee Ann
Lee Ann Marks
School of Law and Legal Studies
La Trobe University
Bundoora. Victoria 3083
email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: +613 9479 1245
Fax: +613 9479 1607