We had a wonderful meeting in London and it was great to see so many
dedicated feminists from so many countries. More details about how many
countries, etc., will come in a later message.
Several of you asked me to find out how you can get receipts for the
credit card expenses you incurred through In-Any-Event, for registration
and especially for rooms in the dorms.
They will appear as line-items on your credit card bill, but that is
insufficient proof for reimbursement from universities or for tax records.
Karen Marshall of In-Any-Event told me that she will send receipts to
anyone who requests them. (You may remember Karen at the registration
desk.) Please send a message to her at:
Karen Marshall <[log in to unmask]>
If an e-mail message is sufficient for your records, then ask her to send
it that way. If you must have a hard copy, simply ask her to send you one
by mail and give her your postal address to help her process your request
Good luck and please let me know if any problems arise as you attempt
In sisterhood,
* * * * * * * *
Helen Bequaert (Becky) Holmes, Ph.D.
Membership Secretary
International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (FAB)
24 Berkshire Terrace, Amherst MA 01002
phone: 1-413-549-1925; fax/phone: 1-413-549-1226
* * * * * * * *