Dear Fabbers,
As of two minutes ago, the FAB listserv was moved to its new site at
Michigan State University. I've tried to make sure that all the recent
requests for subscription have been accommodated, but if you learn of
anyone who should have gotten this message but didn't, please have them get
in touch with me.
To post a message to the list, just send it to [log in to unmask]
All other commands go to [log in to unmask] (I'll say LISTSERV for short).
To unsubscribe, send a command to LISTSERV. No subject. In the body of the
email, write SIGNOFF FABLIST
If you know of someone who wants to subscribe to the list, ask them to
send a command to LISTSERV. Again, no subject. In the body of the email,
they should write SUBSCRIBE FABLIST Jane Doe, or whatever their name is.
Note the listserv needs your name when you are subscribing, but not when
you are signing off.
Contributions to this list are automatically archived. You can get a list
of the available archive files by sending an INDEX FABLIST command to
LISTSERV, and you can then order these files with a GET FABLIST LOGxxx
command to LISTSERV.
If you want the digested version of the postings, just issue a SET FABLIST
The new fablist and listserv addresses will be published in the next issue
of the newsletter and publicized at the London conference. So far, the list
has mostly been used for posting announcements of various kinds, but I hope
that it will also become a discussion list. I expect that the London
conference will give us plenty to talk about!
My best to you all,
Hilde L. Nelson, Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy
503 South Kedzie Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 353-3981
[log in to unmask]