A Conference on:
Gendered Violence: Epistemologies and Practices
March 30-31, 2001
3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference
Women's Studies Program
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky, USA
In recent years researchers working with feminist theories have examined a
diversity of instances and types of gendered violence occurring across the
globe. This research has enhanced our understandings of myriad ways in
which gendered violence occurs within different cultural milieus. Our
graduate student-organized conference provides a space for students,
activists and faculty to discuss ongoing research and community projects
related to the conference theme in a supportive and innovative environment.
We invite submission of 250-word abstract proposals for special sessions,
paper presentations, panels, and performances that address the
epistemologies and practices of gendered violence.
The theme of our conference is intentionally broad to encourage a diversity
of topics, which may include, but not be limited, to:
activism and gendered violence
gender assignments as violence
fantasy and gendered violence
violent media
nationalism and gendered violence
poverty as gendered violence
sexualities and gendered violence
postcolonialism and gendered violence
discourses and representations
space, place and gendered violence
gendered violence, commodities and capitalism
technology and gendered violence
maternal sadism
development as gendered violence
environmental degradation and gendered violence
hate crimes and gendered violence
gendered violence and women of color
madness and gendered violence
prisons and gendered violence
science and gendered violence
violence in the workplace
Please mail or e-mail abstracts and registration forms by Friday, Jan. 12,
2001 to:
Kristi Branham
Women's Studies Program Office
112 Breckenridge Hall
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0056
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Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and include three keywords.
Please include your name, affiliation, address, e-mail address and the
title of your presentation at the top of the page. If you are using e-mail,
please send the abstract in the body of the email AND as an attachment in a
Word program (Mac or IBM compatible).
Registration Form [Print format] or [Register Online]
Name ________________________________________________________________
Dept. or
Affiliation ____________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
E-mail _______________________________________________________________
Fax __________________________________________________________________
Will you need audiovisual equipment? YES____________ NO ________________
Do you have special dietary needs? _________________________________________
Please indicate these needs __________________________________________
Do you need childcare provision? YES________________ NO ________________
Would you like information about local accommodations? YES______ NO
Please note this is a free conference. There is no registration fee.
For further information regarding the conference, please e-mail Kristi
Branham <[log in to unmask]>.
For further information about the
Women's Studies Program:
Women's Studies Program Office
112 Breckenridge Hall
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0056