AAUW Educational Foundation Fellowships and Grants
University Scholar-in-Residence Award, 2001-2002 Academic Year
Award: Up to $50,000
Letters of intent due: Oct. 16, 2000
Proposals due: Dec. 15, 2000
Funding period: July 1, 2001-June 30, 2002
Colleges and universities may apply for funding for the University
Scholar-in-Residence award to support a woman scholar to undertake and
disseminate research on gender and equity for women and girls. Institutions
may use the funds either to bring a qualified scholar to the institution for
a fixed period or to designate a scholar currently at the institution to
undertake research activities that would not occur without such support.
Preference will be given to proposals from institutions that demonstrate
significant matching funds by all institutions involved. Preference also
will be given to proposals for research and activities likely to continue
after the funding period, as opposed to single events or one-time
Award: Up to $50,000 for a one-year project, depending on its nature.
Proposals must show significant institutional cost sharing beyond the basic
indirect cost rate. Proposals for two-year projects also will be considered.
Qualifications: Proposals must include research activities on gender and
equity as well as dissemination of research findings. Successful proposals
should strive to achieve impact nationally, rather than within a single
university, department, or program. Proposals also must include a statement
by an authorized institutional official confirming the institution's
commitment to the project and cost share provided.
Selection Criteria and Process: Institutions must submit a three-to
five-page letter of intent describing the research project and its intended
outcomes. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of overall feasibility,
qualifications of key personnel, likely impact of the project, its
creativity, potential contribution to knowledge, and impact on practice, as
well as institutional commitment to the project.
For a full prospectus and schedule, please visit our website at
AAUW Educational Foundation
University Scholar-in-Residence Award
1111 Sixteenth Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 202/728-7602