Greetings to the FAB Listserv,
I was wondering if someone knows of a good - but short, not more than 20
minutes - video documentary on women's reproductive rights. I have been
asked to give a talk to the medical staff of a Savannah hospital on "The
Role of Government and Women's Reproductive Rights - US and Abroad". With
regards to the US, I will be speaking about the 1996 welfare reform and
family caps, judge-ordered use of Norplant, the status and practice of
prenatal testing across the country (in the hopes that the Ferguson case
will be decided before my talk which is scheduled for Oct. 13th). I will
also be addressing the issue of sex-selection in India, forced
sterilization, chemical sterilization, and the role of the "global gag
rule" in US financing of family planning programs abroad.
If any one has a suggestion, please respond to my email address
([log in to unmask]).
Thanking you in advance
Jennifer Merchant
Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor