Laurie sent this to the old fablist address, so I am passing it on. Hilde
From: Laurie Zoloth <[log in to unmask]>
>This would be Laurie Garrett.
>At 04:46 PM 08/27/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>>From: "Laura Shanner" <[log in to unmask]>
>>To: 1fab
>>Dear collegues,
>>I'm searching for anyone who might know *anything* about ethics in setting
>>priority lists for vaccine/anti-viral distribution in the event of a
>>pandemic. Vaccination just isn't my expertise, but I've received a request
>>for assistance and I haven't found much so far.
>>I've been contacted by a provincial working group developing an Influenza
>>Pandemic action plan for the province in Alberta (Canada). Following the
>>traditional cycles of influenza mutations, we are due (possibly already
>>overdue) for the outbreak of a strain with a major mutation to which nobody
>>currently has immunity. We can always hope for a fairly mild strain (like
>>the "Swine Flu" of the mid-70's), but the potential exists for a deadly,
>>catastrophic strain that could, in a worst-case scenario, cripple entire
>>populations/jurisdictions. The question raised is not whether we'll face a
>>flu like the 1918 global epidemic, but how the gov't should respond *when*
>>it hits.
>>While sufficient vaccine might be developed, produced in sufficient
>>quantities and mobilized in time to vaccinate entire populations before the
>>outbreak gets out of control, it is prudent to assume either that vaccine
>>supplies will be limited and/or that distribution will be slower than the
>>spread of the disease. Accordingly, who gets access to vaccines first?
>>It makes sense to vaccinate health care workers early, to enable them to
>>vaccinate and care for others. Are there other criteria (age, underlying
>>illness, social roles, ???) that should reasonably determine who gets access
>>first, or whether anybody should be denied access to vaccines/anti-virals if
>>supplies are limited?
>>Does any state, province, country etc. have any such plan for distribution
>>priorities in place? What is their justification?
>>Do you know of anybody - anywhere! - who has done focused work on ethics and
>>epidemic response?
>>Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'll forward them to the
>>committee as I receive them.
>>thanks so much,
>>Laura Shanner, Ph.D. <[log in to unmask]>
>>John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre
>>University of Alberta
>>8220 114th St. Rm 222
>>Edmonton AB T6G 2J3 Canada
>>phone: (780) 492-6676 fax: (780) 492-0673
>Laurie Zoloth PhD
>Associate Professor, Social Ethics
>Chair, Program in Jewish Studies
>College of Humanities
>San Francisco State University
>[log in to unmask]
>The Ethics Practice
>2946 Claremont Blvd
>Berkeley CA 94705
>[log in to unmask]
Hilde L. Nelson, Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy
503 South Kedzie Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 353-3981
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